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Museum of Broken Relationships

The art of the break-up

Originally established by Zagreb artists Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić as a temporary installation, the Museum of Broken Relationships (Muzej prekinutih veza) became a permanent visitor attraction in 2010.

Since then it has become one of Zagreb’s most visited sights, functioning as a museum of human emotions as well as an artfully crafted juxtaposition of some compelling visual material.


Consisting of mementoes of break-ups donated by members of the public, the museum aims for poignancy and reflection rather than voyeuristic melodrama, displaying objects that sum up the richness and variety of human relationships and, above all, their frequent failure to last.

Ranging from cuddly toys to sexy clothing and holiday souvenirs, exhibits range from the heartbreaking to the celebratory (not all relationships are fondly remembered, and breaking up can also be a liberation). The accompanying stories explaining the origins of these objects are frequently as compelling as the exhibits themselves.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

The museum is in the Upper Town at Ćirilometodska 2, an easy walk from the main square.

Daily 10:00 - 21:00.

Tickets: €7

Museum of Broken Relationships


Zagreb’s Centre

Zagreb In-A-Day

A city for strollers

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Museum of Broken Relationships