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The Red History Museum

Communist lifestyles

Housed in the former TUP graphite factory in the suburb of Gruž, the Red History Museum is an innovative private initiative that aims to shed light on life in communist Yugoslavia 1945-1990, a period that most other Croatian museums shy away from.

With a historical introduction followed by a display of domestic artefacts, it reveals through everyday objects how Yugoslav communism sought a middle way between Soviet rigidity and the consumer culture of the West. Featuring furniture, books, popular magazines, vinyl records, and memories culled from local people, it shows that there’s a lot to be nostalgic about.

A “dark” room reveals some of the communist regime’s less appealing characteristics, especially during its early years - the campaign against the Catholic Church, the use of secret police to monitor potential opponents, and the establishment of brutal camps for disloyal party members.

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Ul. Svetog Križa 3

Bus: To get there catch bus #1a or #1b to Gruž harbour

Open: daily 10:00 - 19:00

Tickets: €9

Red History Museum

1945–1990 Tito’s Yugoslavia

Dubrovnik & Around

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Red History Museum