St Michael's Mount
Iconic tidal castle

Of all the iconic sights of Cornwall – and there are quite a few – one of the most striking is St Michael's Mount. A fairytale castle crowning a tidal island, it’s as arresting in real life as it is in photos.
And getting there – on foot via a causeway at low tide, or by boat at high water – is half the fun.
Some of the structures on the mount date back as far as the 12th century. The island, complete with village, harbour, castle and medieval chapel, has been seized, laid under siege, gifted and sold to various families and organisations over the centuries.
In the 1650s it was sold to Colonel John St Aubyn. His descendants – the St Aubyn family – still live on the island today. The mount is also home to about 30 islanders.
Text © Belinda Dixon
Images by Alex Healing, Andrew, Mike_fleming, Mike Norton, S. Rae, Tom Parnell