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Exeter’s City Walls

Walk beside ancient walls (2 miles)

2018-05-18 06-02 England 705 Exeter, Northernhay Gardens

The Roman’s arrived in the south west in around 55 AD. They built the 42-acre fortress of Isca where Exeter now stands and constructed a 2-mile city wall.

Over the centuries the wall was reinforced and extended, especially during the Norman era and during the Civil War.

Some 70% of the city wall still remains, and crops up in multi-layered fragments in the city’s central parks and beside shops.

City Wall Trail

A good place to start exploring is beside the Norman Gatehouse near Rougemont Gardens. From there the City Wall Trail leads to hidden parts of the city, taking in plenty of child-friendly activities.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Trail Head Norman Gatehouse, Castle St. Exeter. EX4 3PU (this entry’s map location).

Exeter Sights


Urban Walks

Walks for Kids

Text © Belinda Dixon

Image by Allie_Caulfield