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La Roque Gageac

Plus Beau Village on the Dordogne

La Roque Gageac is one of the Plus Beaux Villages of France and sits beneath a massive overhanging cliff on the banks of the Dordogne river in the Black Périgord. It consists of little more than a row of houses since the space on the river bank is so limited but there are some medieval houses a little higher up beneath the troglodyte caves in the cliff face.

Due to the sheltered location of the village there is even a tropical garden with palm trees and banana plants!

The village is small and only takes a short while to look around – if you have time however, take a Gabarre trip along the river and you will fully appreciate the beauty of this special place once voted the prettiest village in France!

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Check out this video clip by Thi de Périgueux

Plus Beaux Villages 0f Dordogne & Quercy


A Gabarre cruise

A trip to remember on the Dordogne

The Southern Périgord Noir (2 days)

Bastides, medieval castles and a hanging garden in Dordogne

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Photo by Paul Shawcross