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Musée Gallo Romain at Périgueux

Gallic-Roman Museum at Périgueux

Tour de Vésone

Designed in 1993 by the internationally renowned architect Jean Nouvel, who had just completed the Institut du Arabe Monde in Paris, this outstanding building set in high quality landscaping has been designed to give the visitor a spectacular view of the archaeological site of Vesunna upon entering.

The Museum is the starting point of a tour which includes aspects of daily life in Roman times. Wooden bridges guide the visitor over the remains of an oppulent Gallo-Roman residence covering 4000 sq metres or nearly 800 sq yards.

The star of the show is the Temple of Vésone built in the 2nd Century AD which consists of a 65.5 ft/20 metre high brick tower which, despite being partly ruined, is still very impressive.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Museum Website

+33 5 53 53 00 92

Museum open daily (except Mon)


Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Père Igor CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0