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Tartu University

Academic HQ

North of Raekoja plats, Ülikooli runs past the colonnaded facade of Tartu University‘s main building (Tartu ülikool), a cool, lemon meringue-coloured confection designed by J.W. Krause, the architect who presided over the expansion of the university once the Tsarist authorities permitted its reopening in 1802.

University Art Museum

Pass through the unassuming main doorway and head left towards the south wing to find the Tartu University Art Museum (Tartu ülikooli kunstimuuseum), where a rather entertaining collection of ancient sculptures in replica form throng a suite of galleries decked out in imperial Roman style.

Familiar Classical-era friends like the Discus Thrower, the Belvedere Apollo and the Venus de Milo are joined by less well-known characters such as the Suicidal Celt, here portrayed plunging a dagger into his throat.

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Ülikooli 18

Tartu University Art Museum: Open: Tursday - Sunday 11:00 - 17:00. Tickets: €4.



Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by A.Savin/Wikimedia Commons