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Taevaskoja Landscape Park

Spectacular sandstone valley

Setomaa vald

It is said that every Estonian should visit Taevaskoja at least once in their lifetime. Located just north of Taevaskoja village (“village” in the sense that it is a scattered group of buildings with a train station), the defining feature of Taevaskoja Landscape Park is the stretch of ruddy sandstone cliffs that looms up above the Ahja river, lending the valley a dramatic, gorge-like quality.

For a country that doesn’t have a great deal in the way of canyons and gorges, the Taevaskoja cliffs are very much a national icon, featured in films and TV dramas as well as tourist brochures. Unsurprisingly, the walking trail that leads down to the riverbank is a busy spot during holidays and weekends.

As well as the prominent stretches of cliff - the 22-metre-high Suur Taevaskoda and the 13-metre Väike Taevaskoda nearby - there are boulder-fields and a sequence of rapids. Edged by a mixture of deciduous and evergreen forest, it’s a tranquil, magical spot.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

By car: Taevaskoja is an easy day trip from Tartu and can be combined with a visit to Võru.

By train: There are two daily trains from Tartu to Taevaskoja village (40min). Travelling on the morning service and coming back in the afternoon ensures that you can just about ‘do’ the valley as a day-trip by rail.

Southeastern Estonia

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Sergei Gussev