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Matsalu Bay

Reedy paradise for migrating birds

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Curving into the Estonian coast some 30km south of Haapsalu, Matsalu Bay is one of the biggest stop-off points for migrating birds in Europe, attracting thousands of ducks, barnacle geese, corncrakes, moorhens and mute swans every spring and autumn. It also provides a year-round habitat for cormorants and gulls.

All three sides of the bay come under the protection of the Matsalu National Park, although it’s the southern shore, with its dense reed beds and grassy coastal heaths, which provides the best opportunities to get up close to the birds.

You can pick up maps and book boat trips at the Matsalu Nature Centre in Penijõe Manor, where there’s also a small museum devoted to the region’s natural history. Trails lead northwest from Penijõe to the Suitsu Birdwatching Tower, which offers extensive views across the reedy coast.

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Visitors’ Centre, Penijõe, 90305 (this entry’s map location)

Open: Mid-April to September Monday - Friday 09:00 – 17:00, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 – 18:00; October to mid-April Monday . Friday 09:00 – 17:00

Western Estonia

Wildlife & Birdwatching

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Martin Sillaots