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Birthplace of Napoleon

The Harbour at Ajaccio

Although small for a capital city, what Ajaccio lacks in size it makes up for in elegance as befits its most famous son Napoleon Bonaparte who was born here in 1769.

Napoleon Bonaparte

You are reminded of him wherever you go with statues, places named after battles won and despite the fact he never returned here after he crowned himself emperor in 1804, the town celebrates his birthday every year on August 15th.

Place Foch Ajaccio

A good place to start exploring the old town is Place Foch which leads off from the Port de Plaisance. Here you will see the famous statue of the great man surrounded by four lions and get some idea how important he is and has been to the citizens of Ajaccio.

Adjacent to the statue you will see the Rue Bonaparte. Turn right after about 60m into Rue Charles where you’ll find the Maison Bonaparte. This was the home of the Bonaparte family and today is a museum containing memorabilia and artworks looted by Napoleon’s uncle Cardinal Fesch during the Italian Campaign.

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Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross