The Former Island Capital
Perched high on a rock the Citadelle dominates the old town of Corte which was once the Island’s capital and makes for an impressive sight as you approach. Tall houses and cobbled, stepped streets all date from the Genoese occupation which lasted until 1768.
In Place Paoli, look out for the statue of the revered National Hero Pascal Paoli who led the resistance against the Genoese and the French. In fact Corte was his stronghold for fourteen years despite the coastal towns being in Genoese hands.
Nearby in Place Gaffori, is a statue of another Corsican hero, Jean-Pierre Gaffori, who was Paoli’s revolutionary’s predecessor and, like Paoli, also a General of the Nation.
Don’t miss the view of the surrounding countryside from the Belvedère which stands out from the southern end of the Citadelle