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Old home of the Plantagenets

Château d’Angers

Angers, located just south of the confluence of the Mayenne, the Sarthe and the Loir which form the Maine which flows through the city into the mighty Loire a few kilometres to the south, was one the the capital of Anjou.

Anjou was the home of the Plantagenetdynasty several of whose member were Kings of England as well as Dukes of Normandy and their Château dominates the medieval centre of the city to this day. If you visit the Château don’t miss the 14th Century Apocalypse Tapestry, the world’s largest Medieval tapestry commissioned by Louis, Duke of Anjou.

Don’t miss the old town with with its half-timbered houses especially the famous Maison d’Adam (Maison des Artisans) or the Cathédrale St-Maurice in place Sainte-Croix with its stunning twin 75m Spires.

Finally, Angers is well known in the Région and beyond for its Cafe Culture so don’t miss that either!

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Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Mbzt