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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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Lake Rotorua

Enjoy a stroll lakeside


While Lake Rotorua is the second biggest lake in the North Island, covering 80 sq km, it pales when compared in size to Lake Taupo (616 sq km), only 75km away to the southwest.

Lake Rotorua is a volcanic caldera lake, the biggest of 18 lakes in the Rotorua region, most of the others being away to the east and southeast. 279m above sea level, the lake has a high sulphur content due to the surrounding geothermal activity.

Mokoia Island, which sits in the centre of Lake Rotorua, is the most famous lake island in the country and linked to the love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai.

Activities such as lakeside picnicking, swimming, fishing, paddle boarding and other water sports are popular. Make sure to head down to the city waterfront for a stroll.

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Lake Rotorua


Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by Naoki Sato