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Ancient village in a natural amphitheatre

Superb location

The location of Saorge on the shoulder of the Roya Valley is one of the most spectacular in the whole region if not in France! This tiny village of 449 souls (2017), founded before Roman times, clings to the steep slopes of a natural amphitheatre. Its 15th century houses and the belfries of its churches help to create a unique ambiance.

View of the Roya Valley

Saorge can be admired from the main road (D6204/E74) running through the valley below. However, it is well worth making the effort to take the D38 from Fontan to the village itself. This way you can explore the narrow, twisting streets, many with steps, which eventually lead to a terrace. From here enjoy the wonderful view of the Roya Valley and its Gorges.

Don't Miss: Église St-Sauveur or the 11th-Century Madonna del Poggio which you are able to enjoy from the outside as it is closed to visitors.

TIP: Park at the entrance to the village – don’t attempt to drive in!

Also, Check out my Driving the Roya Itinerary in sister-app Nice's Best

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Département: Alpes-Maritimes.

Saorge - further information

Nice Beyond: Driving the Roya

Amazing mountains, fast flowing rivers and a valley of marvels

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by © Paul Shawcross