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  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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Oct, Nov, Dec

Pan Caballo

Early rainy season: syncretism at its finest

It does start to rain at this time of year, but it’s still a great time to get out and walk in the mountains. On the coast it starts to warm up and surfing season gets into full swing.

• 1-8 October Semana Jubilar Festival of Piura showcases everything tourists love about Piura

• 28 October Señor del Mar in Callao is a festival for the sea

• 31 October Día de La Canción Criolla in Lima celebrates Peruvian music with Spanish roots

• Cusco and many other cities also celebrate Halloween as an excuse to get into costume, though it’s obviously not a traditional Peruvian holiday.

• 1 November Todos los Santos is a Catholic holiday that is celebrated all around Peru. One Andean tradition that has become part of All Saints’ Day is that people buy “pan wawa” for women and “pan caballo” for men.

• 24 December Santurantikuy in Cusco is an artisanal fair that brings over a thousand artisans to the city every year.

• 25 December La Navidad is celebrated throughout Peru.

• 31 December El Nuevo Año is also celebrated throughout Peru.

Battle of Ayacucho

Winning Peruvian Independence (Dec 9th)


The big city

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper