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Our Touch, your Travels…

This is a preview of the full content of our Peru’s Best app.

Please consider downloading this app to support small independent publishing and because:

  • All content is designed for mobile devices and works best there.
  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
  • The app works offline (one time upgrade required on Android versions).

The app will also allow you to:

  • Add custom locations to the app map (your hotel…).
  • Create your own list of favourites as you browse.
  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
  • Make one-click phone calls (on phones).
iOS App Store Google Play

Uros Floating Islands

Islands made from totora reeds

Uros Floating Islands

The Uros floating islands are a group of about 70 islands made from totora reeds. They have a fascinating history and culture but have become such a popular tourist destination that they were a victim of overtourism before the pandemic.

Tourism hasn’t entirely recovered, so many families who used to make a good living from tourism are desperate to get people to come back to the Uros islands. Read about my experience on the Uros islands on this blog.

Uros Islands sign

Tours or independent travel

There are lots of tours of the floating islands offered by tour agencies in Puno. Some of these agencies have a terrible reputation for taking advantage of the families on these islands by not paying them, paying late, or paying less than the agreed-upon price for hosting travelers in their homes.

Read the full content in the app
iOS App Store Google Play

Altiplano & Lake Titicaca

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper