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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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Archeological site

Mausoleos de Revash, Distrito de Santo Tomás, Luya, Amazonas, Perú

These cliff mausoleums look like little houses, made by the Chachapoyas culture, pre-Inca. Though they were looted, enough was left for archeologists to deduce that each one was a collective tomb.

Take binoculars so you can see them up close without disturbing the site. Here’s an article in English about Revash.


It’s about and hour and a half hours drive south from Chachapoyas to Yerbabuena, where you leave the main road and drive west 45 minutes to San Bartolo. From San Bartolo you walk about half an hour on a well marked trail to where you can see the mausoleums.

>1200: Pre-Inca Times

Amazonas & Loreto


Text © Heather Jasper

Image by MI PERÚ