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Atahualpa’s ransom

Hats in Cajamarca

Cajamarca is a beautiful city, though part of its history is very sad. This is where Francisco Pizarro held the Inca Atahualpa for ransom in 1533.

Though the ransom room, which you should visit, was filled once with over 13,000 pounds of gold and twice with silver, Atahualpa was still murdered.

The Ventanillas de Otuzco are a pre-Inca necropolis of 338 niches in a cliff. This archeological site is barely outside of town, to the north east, just on the other side of the airport.

Today Cajamarca is also famous as the home of former Peruvian president Pedro Castillo. His signature hat is the emblem of his home town.


The city is a 15 hour drive from Lima, which is why I recommend flying. There are several flights a day from Lima to Cajamarca. It’s a large enough city that there are many options for both lodging and restaurants.

Northern Sierra & San Martin

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper