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Lamay & Huchuy Q’osqo

Cuy and archeology

Huchuy Qosqo sheep

The town of Lamay has the Sacred Valley’s best restaurants for eating cuy, which are guinea pig. Though considered pets in other countries, raising and eating cuy is an important link between modern Quechua people and their Inca ancestors. If you’re an adventurous eater, this is a great place to try cuy.

Lamay is also the trailhead for the hike up to Huchuy Q’osqo. This is a miniature Inca city whose name literally translates to “Little Cusco.” The town is so small, that there’s only one bridge across the Urubamba river. Cross that bridge and you’re on the trail to Huchuy Q’osqo. It’s a steep trail, often either dusty or muddy. Read the information about the trek that’s linked above.

Lamay Cuy Statue


If you’re driving through the Sacred Valley you can’t miss Lamay with its giant cuy statue. If you’re taking colectivos through the valley, it’s easy to get transportation here from Pisac, Calca or Urubamba.

1200–1527: The Inca Era

Sacred Valley & Nearby

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper