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Millpu or Huancaraylla

Turquoise waters

Aguas Turquesas de Millpu

This beautiful place has several names. You’ll alternately see it called Aguas Turquesas de Millpu, Aguas de Huancaraylla and Aguas Turquesas Ayacucho.

It’s a series of about 20 turquoise pools in a narrow canyon. There is a fine white sediment on the bottom of the pools, which is what gives them such a startlingly beautiful color. Swimming is no longer allowed, but it’s a beautiful little oasis in the desert for photos. If you’re on a road trip in the area, it’s definitely worth a stop.


This canyon is 3 hours south of Ayacucho on the road to Andamarca. There are several agencies in Ayacucho that sell tours here, which is easier than public transportation.

Ayacucho & Andahuaylas

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Grupotres21