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This is a preview of the full content of our Peru’s Best app.

Please consider downloading this app to support small independent publishing and because:

  • All content is designed for mobile devices and works best there.
  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
  • The app works offline (one time upgrade required on Android versions).
  • All advertising (only present on Android versions) can be removed.

The app will also allow you to:

  • Add custom locations to the app map (your hotel…).
  • Create your own list of favourites as you browse.
  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
  • Make one-click phone calls (on phones).
iOS App Store Google Play

Plaza San Francisco

Local Christmas market

This plaza is almost more like a park because of its trees and green spaces. This is also the calmest of the main plazas. During the week before Christmas it fills with people selling materials to build nativity scenes.

In Peru nativity scenes are made with mosses and plants gathered from the nearby cloud forests. While there are environmental concerns with the gathering of wild plants, at least people aren’t using plastic garlands that get thrown away every year.

Cusco Plazas

Route 1

For your first day at altitude

Route 5

To San Pedro Market

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper