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Mauk’a Llaqta

Rarely visited Inca city

Mauk’a Llaqta

Mauk’allaqta (above) is a short walk to a complete Inca city. The only challenge is transportation to Yaurisque, about an hour from Cusco, and then to the trailhead. Very few tour agencies offer this.

Nearby are the Puma Orq’o caves, where the legendary Ayer Brothers emerged with their wives. This is the founding myth of where the Inca came from.


To get there on your own, go to Puente Grau where there are taxis for Paruro. Yaurisque is on the road to Paruro, so that’s your best bet for finding a taxi driver who will take you to the trailhead and back. Expect to pay about s/100 for a full day with a private cab driver.

Cusco Region Day Hikes

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper