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Puerto Maldonado Food & Drink

Stick close to the Plaza de Armas

Burgos’s Restaurant

I tried several restaurants in Puerto Maldonado and they were mostly unremarkable. Save your foodie dreams for Lima and stick with the basics in Puerto Maldonado. There are several decent ceviche places on the south side of the Plaza de Armas, as well as Burgos’s, which has a great salad bar and good selection of vegetarian options.

Ceviche Puerto Maldonado at Junmy Sabores

Ice Cream & Espresso

For ice cream, don’t miss Copaçu, on the west side of the Plaza de Armas. The only place in town with an espresso machine that’s open in the morning is Gustitos del Cura, which is on the east side of the Plaza de Armas. I got a bit too brave one night and tried a sushi place called Ikigai that’s a 10 minute drive from the Plaza de Armas. I do not recommend it.

Market food

In most towns in Peru I enjoy eating at the market but when I walked through Puerto’s market nothing looked appealing. The local restaurants with a set menu near the plaza were all decent, but none were remarkable.

Restaurants & Food

Puerto Maldonado

Fly into the jungle

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper