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Maksimir Park

Zagreb’s giant outdoor space

With over 1000 acres of grassy lawns, duck-filled lakes and deep forest, Maksimir Park is Zagreb’s largest, most varied and most popular outdoor space.

Lying 3km east of the centre, it was founded by Bishop Maksimilijan Vrhovac in the late 1700s and developed further by his successor Juraj Haulik, who is largely responsible for the crafted, landscaped appearance the park has today.

Around the park

Visitors usually enter via the Neo-Gothic gateway on Maksimirska cesta before proceeding up a main alley lined with wrought iron lampstands. Occupying a green hill at the end of the alley is the Belvedere, a lookout tower whose ground floor is now occupied by a popular cafe.

Beyond here lie any number of routes, some following green meadows with plantings of flowers, others heading into dense woodland. There are five lakes hidden among the trees, several inhabited by turtles who come out to sun themselves on fine days.

Childrens’ playparks are located near the main entrance to the park, and there is an extensive zoo located in the park’s southeastern corner.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Maksimir Park is 3km east of the centre along Maksimirska cesta. Take tram #11 or #12 from the main square

Kids & Families

Parks & Gardens

Zagreb’s Suburbs

Zagreb In-A-Day

A city for strollers

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Jonathan Bousfield