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The Chocolate Museum

Smooth, sweet history

An “edutainment” attraction that is more like a theme-park than a traditional museum, Zagreb’s Chocolate Museum (Muzej čokolade) nevertheless strikes the right balance between solid history and family fun.

Placing the origins of chocolate in the rain forests of Central America, the museum provides a solid account of its role in the lives of the Mayas and Aztecs, and its ‘discovery’ by European invaders. Visitors are provided with a box of mini tasting-chocolates which they are invited to consume at specific points of the historical narrative.

Chocolate’s introduction to Europe is celebrated with a colourful display of jugs and mugs, and the commercial chocolate industry is illustrated through vintage adverts, wrappings and boldly decorated gift boxes.

Coverage of Croatian chocolate producers like Zvečevo and Kraš provides plenty of local pop-cultural references.

And there is, of course, a gift shop selling chocolate bars by quality producers.

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Varšavska 5, Zagreb

Open: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 20:00, Sunday 10:00 - 19:00

Tickets: adults €9 children €6.50 family ticket €28.50

Chocolate Museum

Kids & Families

Zagreb’s Centre

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by JB