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Lydford Gorge Walk

Oak woods & waterfalls (1.5 miles)

Stepping down

Set on Dartmoor’s western fringe, steep-sided Lydford Gorge is the deepest in the south west. Here the cascading River Lyd careers down a densely wooded ravine traced with walking trails.

Highlights of the 1.5 mile loop are the swirling Devil’s Caldron whirlpool and the plumes of spray sent up by the 30m White Lady Waterfall.

The trail through the rich oak woods is spectacular but also treacherous in places – especially after rain, stout walking boots or shoes are a must.

The nearby Castle Inn in Lydford is a great place for a post-hike pint.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Lydford Gorge Waterfall entrance, Lydford. EX20 4BL

8 miles north east of Tavistock

Bus 118 from Tavistock and Okehampton

Hours Mar–Oct daily 10am-–pm. Full & latest hours

Nov–Feb Fri & Sat 10am-3.30pm

Admission Adult £5; Child £2.50; Family £12.50

+44 1822 820 320

Dartmoor Walks

Dartmoor Sights

Walks for Kids

Text © Belinda Dixon

Image by judy dean