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Home to the "other" holy shroud

On the borders of the Purple Périgord and Black Périgord the fascinating little village of Cadouin complete with its Romanesque abbey founded in the early 12th Century makes for a very pleasant and interesting visit.

There is an ancient elegant covered market with stone pillars and a tiled roof in the square just outside the Abbey. The Abbey is the place which most visitors come to see however, because despite the austere appearance of the main building has some very impressive flamboyant Gothic cloisters which provide something of a contrast.

The Abbey was famous during the middle ages due to the Holy Shroud of Cadouin which had been brought from Antioch and even Richard the Lion Heart came to kneel before it. However, in 1934 scientists were to prove that it was an 11th Century fake and unfortunately for Cadouin, the pilgrimage had to cease.

Market day: Wednesday

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Market day: Wednesday

Tourism Website


Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Photo by Paul Shawcross