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The first navigable port on the Dordogne

Argentat in the Corrèze

The Dordogne River becomes navigable at the small town of Argentat in the Corrèze which, during the 17th and 18th centuries, was quite prosperous due to the transportation of wood down river in order to make barrels for the wine trade. This is where the flat bottomed gabarres began their journey to Bordeaux.

Nowadays the gabarres carry only visitors but in addition you will see plenty of colourful rafts being propelled by their occupants along the peaceful waters of the Dordogne.

The town has many elegant buildings dating from its prosperous heyday. Pepperpot towers and balconies decorated with pelargoniums abound and can be admired by walking along the Quai Lestourgie from where the gabarres used to take on their cargo.

Market day: 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month

Practical Info Practical Info icon

33 (0)5 55 28 16 05

Summer: June, July & Aug

Upper Dordogne Valley

Upper Dordogne Valley Scenic Drive (2 days)

Gorges, dams, castles & a big river in France’s Upper Dordogne

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross, Photo by Paul Shawcross