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Cahors: Léon Gambetta

Gambetta - top politician from Cahors


Born in Cahors in 1838 the son of an Italian merchant, Léon Gambetta went on to become the 45th Prime Minister of France.

He trained as a barrister and was elected to the National Assembly in 1869 becoming Minister of the Interior in 1870. As an ardent Republican he opposed the settlement which ended the Paris Commune in 1871, resigned and went into self-exile in Spain in protest.

He soon returned however, and took an important part in French politics becoming President of the Chamber of Deputies until finally becoming Prime Minister in 1881.

Unfortunately, he died in a firearms accident in 1882 when only 44 years of age and while still in office. Many believe that this eloquent man would have gone on to be President of the Republic.

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Place François Mitterand

46000 Cahors


Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Paul Shawcross