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Figeac: Musée Champollion

Celebrating Figeac's most Famous Son

Musee Champollion

This fascinating museum in the old quarter of Figeac celebrates the work of the eminent 19th century egyptologist and philologist Jean-Francois Champollion who was born here in 1790.

Champollion’s fame stems from his deciphering of the Rosetta Stone carved in hieroglyphs by Egyptian priests in 196 BC which enabled the diverse peoples of the Egyptian Empire, who spoke three distinct languages, to understand the decrees of King Ptolemy.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone Copy

Although the original Rosetta Stone is kept at the British Museum’ in London, a copy of it is located in the Place des Écritures, a courtyard of the Museum. Inside there is a mummy and some associated funerary offerings but the museum tends to concentrate on the development of the many writing systems across the world.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Place Champollion 46100 FIGEAC

+33 05 65 50 31 08

Museum Website


Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by British Museum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commo, Paul Shjawcross