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Ely Cathedral Stained Glass Museum

Thousands of sparkling panels

Ely Catherdral

Visible for miles around, Ely Cathedral dates back to medieval times. The Cathedral itself is an architectural wonder with its superb lantern tower, but its stained glass is even more outstanding.

Quite apart from all the stunning glass adorning the cathedral, there is an adjacent museum of Stained Glass which explains how this form of glass is created and you can see examples in very close detail.

The collection includes over 1,000 glass panels in a variety of styles from medieval to modern. Special events often held.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Access to the museum is via a curved stone staircase.

Cathedral open daily, but museum only between Tuesday-Saturday. Entry charge.




Text © Angela Youngman

Images by Karen Cann on Unsplash, Sumit Surai Creative Commons Wikimedia