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House of the Great Guild

Elite merchants’ society


Dominating the western end of Pikk tänav (“Long Street”) is the forbidding Gothic facade of the House of the Great Guild (Suurgildi hoone). Completed in 1430, this provided a home for the most powerful of the city’s guilds, uniting the German-speaking mercantile elite into an organization that effectively controlled Tallinn’s commerce. The Great Guild’s doors were closed to petty merchants and artisans, who were instead organized into lesser institutions, such as the largely Estonian-speaking Guild of Corpus Christi.

The Great Guild was the focus of many of medieval Tallinn’s social events, notably the traditional springtime tournaments, when the so-called May Count was chosen – a practice recently revived to form the centrepiece of the Old Town Days festival, a tourist-oriented piece of pageantry in late May and early June. The Great Guild houses a branch of the Estonian History Museum.

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Pikk 17

Open Wednesday - Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

Tickets: €8

Pre–1550 AD Early Years

Old Town

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Stephen Colebourne