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Please consider downloading this app to support small independent publishing and because:

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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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The Rotermann Quarter

Rotermann Quarter, Tallinn

The Rotermann Quarter, an area of decaying factories and warehouses established by nineteenth-century industrialist Christian Abraham Rotermann. Neglected during much of the Soviet era, it’s now prime inner-city redevelopment territory, with swanky bars, cafés and shopping plazas standing beside atmospherically shabby buildings whose appointment with the restorer still awaits.

The Pop & Contemporary Art Museum

The Pop and Contemporary Art Museum, based on the private collection of Linnar Viik, is a colourful display ranging from Warhol-era pop art through pranksters like Jeff Koons to today’s street artists.

The Architecture Museum

The most impressive of the Rotermann Quarter’s buildings is the Estonian Architecture Museum, which occupies the former Salt Storage Warehouse at Ahtri 2. Built by Christian Abraham’s grandson, Christian Barthold Rotermann, in 1908, it was renovated in the mid-1990s to serve as an exhibition space. Top-notch exhibitions, many focusing on international architectural themes, are shown to advantage in the minimalist limestone-and-steel interior.

Tallinn Design House

Unique fashion creations

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Stephen Colebourne