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Oskar Luts House Museum

Memorial to much-loved writer

Monument to Oskar Luts

The Oskar Luts House Museum (Oskar Lutsu majamuuseum), celebrates the Tartu-trained pharmacist and author Oskar Luts (1887–1953), best known for the semi-autobiographical Kevade (“Spring”), a classic account of growing up in the Estonian countryside.

The house where he lived from 1918 until his death is a wonderfully preserved period piece, well worth visiting whether you’re interested in Estonian literature or not. It’s packed with inter-war furnishings, old photographs of Tartu and the (actually rather hideous-looking) puppets used in animated films based on Luts’s children’s story “Forest Fairytale”.

Luts was one of the pillars of the inter-war literary establishment, and a 1937 newsreel shows the great and the good flocking to his fiftieth birthday party.

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Riia 38

A 20-minute walk from the city centre or a short ride on buses #1, #2, #8, #10, #12, #22 or #25

Open: Wednesday - Saturday 11:00 - 17:00

Tickets: free

Oskar Luts House Museum

1914–1939 War & Independence


Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Павел Чуняев