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Sagadi Manor

Manor house & forestry museum

Sagadi mõis / Sagadi manor

A handsome ensemble of cherry-and-cream buildings lying behind a low, brick wall, Sagadi Manor (Sagadi mõis) was built for the von Fock family in the mid-eighteenth century.

Now the regional HQ of the Estonian Forestry Commission, it also holds a restaurant and serves as a popular venue for weddings. Presiding over a large, oblong courtyard, the Manor House harbours an attractively arranged collection of period furniture and paintings, beginning in the central hall with a curious canvas by an unknown artist of a dog and cat fighting over a chicken.

The Forestry Museum

Occupying outbuildings on one side of the courtyard, the Forestry Museum (Metsamuuseum) is mainly intended for schoolchildren, with a didactic display of stuffed woodland animals and a thorough run-down of all the types of tree found in Estonia.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Manor House & Forestry Museum: daily 10:00 - 18:00. Tickets: €5; family ticket €10.

Lahemaa National Park

Text © Jonathan Bousfield

Image by Taavi Randmaa