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Saint Florent

Corsica's St-Tropez

St-Florent Corsica

The first thing you notice about St-Florent is how small and chic it is - its predominant colours are pink and yellow just like its better known twin, St-Tropez. Laid back, colourful and artistic.

St-Florent Corsica

The Port-de-Plaisance constructed in the 1970s is full of yachts from all over the world and there is an air of affluence around the whole place. There are a few fishing boats too which lends a little authenticity.

St Florent Citadelle

There is some history too if you look hard enough - the Citadelle dating from the Genoese era during the 15th Century and, if you are able to take a short 10km (6m) trip out of town, you can you you can see a Medieval church direct from Pisa.

Corse.Pisan Church

In fact if you can spare the time it’s well worth exploring the Nebbio region so called because it is often misty during the Winter. The Nebbio forms a kind of Amphitheatre around St-Florent.

Finally, St-Florent also makes an excellent base from which to tour Cap Corse and by clicking the link you will find my suggested Itinerary.


Corsica’s Cap Corse In-a-Day

Corsica’s Cap from Bastia to St-Florent

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross