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Stopover on the Way of St James


Ainhoa also located in the old Labourd Province about 6km/3.6m from Espelette but smaller with only 650 inhabitants and absolutely typical of the French Basque Country.

This 13th C. village is in fact a member of the Plus Beaux Villages and a stopover for the Way of St. James and less than 3km/2m from the Spanish border. It is really only one street with pretty Basque traditional style houses in the form of a bastide street from the 16th and 17th centuries - the originals were destroyed during the Thirty Years War.

Dont Miss: The Church of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption in the village centre. The church was used as a place of refuge during difficult times.

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Basque Country


Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by AIAAIA