Hong Kong may be best known for Hong Kong Island which is where the British landed and established its colony, but the island accounts for only a tiny fraction (about 7%) of its landmass. Across Victoria Harbour to the north lies Kowloon, a peninsula of the mainland that contains a maze of skyscrapers and is densely populated.
Beyond that is the vast The New Territories where half of Hong Kong's people call home in huge satellite towns, but much of it is undeveloped. In fact, almost 70% of Hong Kong is rural, with country parks and nature reserves accounting for more than 40% of Hong Kong's land mass. Hong Kong also has 260 outlying islands, of which Lantau is the largest.
Thanks to the MTR (Mass Transit Railway), all these areas are well connected, so visiting one, dining in another and sleeping in the third is by no means out of the question.