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The app will also allow you to:

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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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Fiordland, Southland & Stewart Island

This is the Deep South, featuring some great spots to go adventuring.

Fiordland National Park is NZ’s biggest – by a mile! It boasts Milford Sound and the legendary Milford Track, plus a plethora of other hiking and walking opportunities.

Access into Fiordland is from the bustling little township of Te Anau, on the shores of the lake by the same name.

Often overlooked Stewart Island / Rakiura is a wildcard. This is NZ as it was decades ago. There’s an ‘unsophisticated’ rawness about the island and its populace of only 400 that appeals to many.

Mick Jagger may have famously called Invercargill ‘the arsehole of the world’ when the Rolling Stones played there in 1965, but it’s fair to say that the southern city of 57,000 has come a long way since then.

The Bluff Oyster Festival is particularly good fun in May.

But that said, we think you may want to head out to Stewart Island & Rakiura NP or to Te Anau & Fiordland NP fairly quickly!


Invercargill Airport, 3km west of the city, has flights and connections to all the major centres.

Fiordland National Park

Stewart Island & Rakiura NP

Te Anau & Around

Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by craig