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Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony

Watch the nightly penguin parade

Little Blue Penguin | Hauraki Gulf Pelagic | Warkworth | SI | NZ|2019-11-07|09-12-32

The smallest penguin in the world, Blue penguins co-exist with the locals in Oamaru and you’ll likely be surprised to find that the colony is right by the wharf and harbour.

In the evening, visitors are captivated by watching the nightly arrival of penguins from their days’ fishing at sea.

With safety in numbers in mind, they make their way in groups onto the beach, up a stony ramp, and cross into the Colony, much to the delight of onlookers in the grandstand. This is definitely one for kids and families.

Evening viewing start times change with the seasons. Get there with time to spare as the penguins don’t have timepieces and turn up on their schedule, not yours.

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2 Waterfront Road, Oamaru

Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony

Kids & Families

Oamaru & Around


Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by Bettina Arrigoni