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Orewa Beach

3km of sand & surf

Orewa Beach

This gorgeous 3km stretch of beach on the Hibiscus Coast, 30 minutes by car north of Auckland, was once a summer holiday destination for city folk. The iconic Norfolk Pines which line the beach front are a lasting legacy of Sir Edmund Hillary’s father, who planted them in the 1950’s, and the great man himself holidayed here.

These days, it’s a great place to hit the beach for families with kids. Kite-surfers and wind-surfers come out in droves, while you can also enjoy boogie boarding, beach volleyball, cycle the 7km long Te Area Tahuna track, kayak the estuary, or enjoy some boutique shopping in the township.

Orewa Beach has become an extended suburb of the super-city with commuters buzzing back and forth, lengthening the 30-minute trip during commuting hours.

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Orewa Beach


Beaches for Kids

Up North

Exploring the North

Visit the Bay of Islands & the top (3-4 days)

Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by Alan Levine