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Huaraz Hiking

Huaraz Rental Gear

First stop for all things hiking in Huarez is Casa de Guias, an information and outfitting centre. This is both the place to get an overview of what is available as well as getting up-to-date trail conditions before you strike out alone.

The options that are doable independently are listed under Huaraz Day Hikes, but in general it’s often much easier and quicker to go on an organised tour: see Cordillera Blanca Day Tours for a list of the most popular destinations.

Renting Gear

I was very impressed with the variety and price of the gear available for rent in Huaraz. The place to start is Parque Ginebra, which is also where you’ll find the Casa de Guias.

You can rent everything from climbing shoes, harnesses and helmets to tents, sleeping bags and camp stoves.

Huaraz Climber Land Rental

One option is Climber Land. If you can find Climber Land, you’ll have found the jackpot of about a dozen places around Parque Ginebra and nearby Parque Periodista.

Cordillera Blanca Day Tours

Prepare for a drive

Huaraz Day Hikes

Tours optional

Casa de Guias

Your first stop in Huaraz!

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper