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Puno Virgin of Candelaria Festival

Puno’s biggest festival (Feb)

Puno Plaza de Armas

One of the highlights of the rainy season is the festival for the Virgin of Candelaria every February 1-4 in Puno. The name indicates a Catholic celebration, though most of the traditions are a blend of Spanish religious beliefs with Andean cosmovision. In 2014 it was included in UNESCO’s Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Andean dancer in costume

The main events are a series of Catholic masses and two dance competitions. Like many Andean celebrations, Andean dances are central to this festival.

Over 40,000 dancers and musicians participate in one of the 170 cuadrillas, which come from both Quechua and Aymara cultures. Some cuadrillas are similar to those at Q’oyllority and Paucartambo, though many Puno dances are only found at the Virgin of Candelaria Festival.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Puno has a limited number of hotels, so make reservations well in advance if you want to be there for this festival.

Jan, Feb, Mar


Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper