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  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
  • Make one-click phone calls (on phones).
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Iquitos NGOs

Wildlife rescue centers

Squirrel monkey

One of the best ways to save the rainforest is to support NGOs like these two wildlife rescue centers. They rehabilitate animals that police confiscate from the illegal pet trade for release to the wild.

Amazon Rescue Center

I highly recommend visiting the Amazon Rescue Center. This is an effective non-profit that is making a real difference in rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing wildlife. If you have time, sign up to volunteer at the center!

Amazon Rescue Center

Isla de los Monos

Another great non-profit is Isla de los Monos, which is about 30 k from Iquitos. Visiting and donating will go a long way in helping their efforts to preserve wildlife in the Amazon.

There are also numerous NGOs that focus on education and services for Indigenous communities. None are as well set up for visitors as the NGOs for wildlife. However, if you stay at an eco-lodge in the rainforest, ask if they partner with an NGO that you could visit or donate to.


The jungle city

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Amazon Rescue Center, Heather Jasper