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  • Detailed in-app maps will help you find sites using your device’s GPS.
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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
  • Make one-click phone calls (on phones).
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Wari & Pampa de la Quinua Tour

Incan foes & the birth of Peru

Wari archeological site

This is the most popular tour from Ayacucho because it includes both pre-Inca Wari culture and the site of the battle that won Peruvian independence.

Wari Archeological Complex

Only 45 minutes north of town is the Wari Archeological Complex. You can visit the archeological site as well as the nearby Wari museum (Tues–Sun 9am-5pm). The Wari site is so massive that only a small part is open to the public and the museum is equally small.

Pampa de la Quinua battle reenactment

Pampa de la Quinua

Some 15 minutes farther north from the Wari Archeological Complex is the Pampa de la Quinua, also called the Pampa de Ayacucho. This is a memorial that commemorates the battle of 9 December 1824, when the Spanish army unconditionally surrendered to the Andean army.

>1200: Pre-Inca Times

1527–1821: Colonial Times

1821–Today: Modern Peru


Ayacucho tours

Day trips from Ayacucho

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper