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1821–Today: Modern Peru

Lima Perú

Peru today is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country.

Many Peruvians still follow the traditions of their Andean ancestors, which you can see during some of the most important festivals in June.

Andean beliefs center around gratitude to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the apus (sacred mountain peaks). Peruvians I know who continue their ancestral traditions have explained to me that there is no conflict between believing in the Catholic God and believing that we must respect and honor the earth.

Battle of Ayacucho

Winning Peruvian Independence (Dec 9th)

Indigenous Peoples of Madre de Dios

Many still live in the rainforest

Jungle Development

The Amazon needs help

Wari & Pampa de la Quinua Tour

Incan foes & the birth of Peru

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Thomas S.