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Apr, May, Jun

Inti Raymi Coya at Qorikancha

Early Dry Season: Qoyllority & Inti Raymi

This season has some of the most important celebrations in Peru. Semana Santa starts on Domingo Ramos (Palm Sunday), though the exact date changes each year. It often lands in April and is celebrated throughout Peru.

This is my favorite time of year in Peru. On the coast it’s not as hot as in January and February and in the mountains it’s not as rainy. The Andes are full of wildflowers and the trails are just perfect.

Also, this is when people really get their party on. Señor de Qoyllority, Señor de Torrechayoc and Inti Raymi are my favorite celebrations of the year. If you are considering visiting Peru during this time, check the dates for these festivals and try to attend at least one of them.

• 1-7 April Concurso Nacional de Caballo Peruano de Paso in Lima is an equestrian festival celebrating the Peruvian paso horse

Read the full content in the app
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Corpus Christi in Cusco

All the city’s saints (Jun)

Inti Raymi Festival

Theatrical celebration of Inca culture (Jun 24)

Q’oyllority Pilgrimage

The biggest pilgrimage in South America (late-May/Jun)

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper