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The village which gave its name to the Comtat Venaissin

Located at the foot of Mont Ventoux on the foothills of the Vaucluse Plateau is the Plus Beau Village of Venasque. Considered to be an authentic provençal village due to a very careful restoration programme, it used to be the bishopric of the Comtat Venaissin before Carpentras took over the role. Check out the Comtat in my Provence’s Best app.

Venasque is a village perché or perched village with a fascinating 11th Century baptistery and three saracen towers. From here and the esplanade de la Planette there are wonderful views of both Mont Ventoux and the Dentelles de Montmiral.

Don’t miss: the old place des Comtes-de-Toulouse in the centre and the Église Nôtre-Dame.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Département: Vaucluse

33(0)4 90 66 11 66

Les Plus Beaux Villages de Provence


Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Photo by jean-louis Zimmermann