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Vallon de la Gordolasque

Pathway to the Merveilles

The Gordolasque river flows into the Vésubie just below Belvédère. It descends from the Lac de la Fous at 2675m, (operated by EDF), and Lac Long to the north on the terrace of Gelas just inside the Italian border below the Cime de Gélas (3143m/).

The end of the road

This stunning and isolated, 19.7km/12.3m long, valley is accessed from Bélvèdere.

It winds up past a couple of hamlets and the Cascade du Ray before reaching the Pont du Gountlet and the desolate yet beautiful Lac du Basto. Here the road ends and a footpath leads to the beautiful waterfall named the Cascade d’Estrech.

Pathway to the Merveilles

Near St Grat, the Relais des Merveilles provides a place to stay. Above all it provides a starting point for one of the routes up to the Vallée des Merveilles.

Walk: Check out this short walk from the Pont du Gountet

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Département: Alpes-Maitimes.

Nice Beyond: The Vésubie In-1–3-Days

High mountains, a beautiful national park & wolves!

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by © Paul Shawcross