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Grand Canyon du Verdon

Provence's Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon du Verdon

The Verdon Gorges form a spectacular canyon located along the Verdon River on the border between the départements of the Var and Alpes de Haute Provence.

Often compared with America’s Grand Canyon in Arizona, it is actually much smaller but at 700m/2300 feet deep and 21km/13m long but it’s no slouch either. Starting at Castellane, known as the ‘Gateway to the Verdon Gorges’ in the east the river flows swiftly along the valley but by the time its reaches Pointe Sublime it has become a raging torrent, as it is channeled along the Canyon floor until it reaches Lac-de-Ste-Croix in the west.

Grand Canyon du Verdon

Verdon Gorges

The Gorges can be seen from the north or south rims each providing spectacular views – from Pointe Sublime on the north side and the Balcons de la Mescla on the Corniche Sublime to the south. You can travel from either Moustières-Ste-Marie in the west or Castellane in the east.

The Route des Crêtes on the north rim is a circular route of 23km/14.25m with some excellent views although care should be taken as the road is not the best and the northern part is one-way so go clockwise! A circular route around the whole Canyon is about 100km/62m and takes a full day.

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Départements: Var & Alpes-Maritimes

Verdon Gorges


Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross